Get Outside the Box

Get Outside the Box

The people who are having the greatest impact upon the world challenge the box itself. In fact, you began life challenging the box. Children, including YOU, are born without a box. Children color outside the lines and look at everything completely differently than we do. We point to children as great examples of sheer creativity […]

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Starbucks Plans to Send Its Employees to College for Free

Starbucks Plans to Send Its Employees to College for Free

Many corporations use ‘Social Responsibility’ for PR purposes and to make themselves look good to their customers to generate goodwill and increase sales. Starbucks knows what they are doing. They are clearly focused on doing well (business metrics) by doing good for their people and just launched full tuition reimbursement for their partners (employees) with […]

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Engaged Employees are in a Marriage, not a J-O-B

Engaged Employees are in a Marriage, not a J-O-B

Just like our little snail above, every organization has the potential to be legendary.  You can go far, and fast and achieve incredible results, but not with a heavy shell holding you back.  Excuse me, I am sorry, ‘protecting’ you. Legendary is extreme, unreasonable, unrealistic, ludicrous and for many ‘impossible’. That is certainly ‘truth’ from […]

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Don’t Stop Believing!

Don’t Stop Believing!

There are very few ads worth spreading.  Dove puts some great ones together. Here is one that is worth sharing. Beauty is not the only limiting belief we carry that holds us back.  What other beliefs are holding you back?

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Generosity Returned to the World’s Most Generous Heart

You may have seen the first video of Eric, the person with the ‘World’s Most Generous Heart’. If not link is here. Well, apparently the world felt as I did, that the generosity should be returned!  Magic of Rahat set up a fundraiser for Eric, which raised over $44,000!  The best part, I feel, was […]

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How my Beliefs have made the Homeless Invisable

We tend to believe we know our beliefs.  We KNOW what is most important to us. For many of us, family is what is most important – taking care of them and helping them when they need it. But what other beliefs do we have that COMPLETELY shapes our awareness and may prevent us from […]

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The Story of the Rock, Pebbles and the Sand

A professor in philosophy  stood before his students with materials on the table in front of him. He picked up a very large and empty jar and filled it with rocks. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They all said yes. So the professor then picked up a bunch of pebbles […]

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